... [penthouse] 正屋旁依墙所搭的小屋 [with hair dishevelled;with tousled hair] 头发散乱的样子。表示愤慨,也有时表示佯狂 [peruse] 翻看[书籍];展卷阅读 ...
Rob wouldn't gush too much on his relationship with K-Stew but he does say she prefers his hair "tousled" as opposed to his clean cut look in his upcoming flick Water For Elephants.
Rob wouldn’t gush too much on his relationship with K-Stew but he does say she prefers his hair “tousled” as opposed to his clean cut look in his upcoming flick Water For Elephants.
A young boy with tousled blond hair and thick black glasses doesn't look much like a sheep. But this little lamb didn't care in the least.