旧赔偿法的动身里非“侵权行为”(Wrongful Acts)本则。儿官党的官法典便模拟1900暮年恩邦的官法典划订:“果出无法或许功得害本他己之权力者,背害本赔偿义务”(第184条)[22]。
internationally wrongful acts 国际不法行为
do wrongful acts 为非作歹
covers wrongful acts 包括非法行为
Timely Correcting Wrongful Acts 及时纠正违法行为
civil liability for wrongful acts 侵权的民事责任
wrongful enterprise acts 不当企业组织行为
The responsibility of international organization refers to the legal responsibility arising for the wrongful acts of international organizations.
I am opposed to people justifying their wrongful ACTS with the fact that they had a broken family or their parents were always too busy to give them time.
State responsibility, consisting of both subjective and objective aspects, refers to the international responsibility assumed by a state owing to its international wrongful ACTS.