Our country enterprise which joined WTO in China must promptly catch up with the tidal current and compete the new sharp weapon using electronic commerce and promote own competitive advantage.
我国的企业在中国加入WTO 后,面临新的市场竞争规则的挑战,要及时赶上潮流,必须运用电子商务这一竞争新利器来提升自己的竞争优势。
The EU agreed to continue to assist China's efforts in capacity building and both sides welcomed the launching of the second WTO support programme for China in 2004.
Russia, which has been negotiating for 16 years to join the WTO, is the biggest economy outside the 153-nation group, which welcomed China in 2001, and India in 1995.
俄罗斯为加入WTO已进行了16年的谈判,目前是有153个成员国的WTO之外最大的经济体。 中国和印度分别在2001年和1995年加入了WTO。