In "JAXB and JAX-WS in Axis2" you saw how this application worked in Axis2, first with normal Axis2 code generation using JAXB 2.x data binding, then with JAX-WS 2.x service configuration.
在“Axis2中的JAXB和JAX - WS”中,您看到了这个应用程序在Axis2中如何工作:首先使用JAXB 2 . x数据绑定生成代码,然后进行JAX - WS 2 . x服务配置。
As people like (Douglas, author of Generation X) Coupland have been pointing out for years now, X is more a sensibility than a rigidly confined demographic.
道格拉斯(《X世代》一书作者)、库普兰这些人这么多年一直在讲,这个 X 更像一个感性词语,而非一个严格定义的人口统计学术语。
States the generation principle of X radial, analysis content of X radial diffraction and its application on material analysis.