Old e-mail address:(此项留空) Year of birth:(您的出生年份) Gender:(性别,Male男,Female女) Educ:(受教育水平,可随便选择) Annual household income:(您的收入情况) Industry:...
Birth Date Year of Birth 出生年月日 ; 出生
YOB year of birth 出生年份
one's year of birth considered 本命年
valuation year of birth 出生赋值年
daughter's year of birth 女儿的出生年份 ; 女儿的年出生的
fiscal year of birth 会计出生年
animal year of birth 属相年龄
His name, year of birth and address were recorded.
I realize that one's life can be summed up in a dash between the year of death and the year of birth.
For some, both the year of birth and that of death have been examined. For others only the former or the latter.