This animation presents the various levels of DNA organization (wrapping) within mitotic chromosomes. Although the histone, nucleosome and chromatin structures were derived from published data, the middle "levels" of wrapping depicted here are controversial as to what form they take or even whether they exist. The top-level coils that create the chromatids in this animation are not usually shown in text-book diagrams, yet published data presents good evidence for their existence and structure as it is presented here.
Yet Japan's GDP data for the final three months of last year, published on Monday February 16th, still managed to shock.
The latest WHO data, not yet published, show large reductions in all-cause child mortality and mortality from malaria as African countries approach universal coverage with recommended interventions.
Dr Zahnle's team hope that it includes raw data Dr Mumma has not yet published and which might put some of the arguments to rest.