... (You look so good) 本身都已经颠倒众生 (You look so great) 盼你会有震撼 (You look so high) 豁出的架子高不可攀 ...
Instead say: "You look so good in skinny jeans."
而是说 :“你穿起窄的牛仔裤很好看。”
Bob: But we are really benefiting from it. You look so good these days!
Can I ask you a question why I am always the green leaves when you look so good in the picture?
So, looking at this, this might not look so good for you.
And so what I'm really doing is inviting you to take a good, cold, hard look at death, and to face it and think about it in a way that most of us don't do.
But did anybody have the temptation at all, and maybe even yielded to it, to eat differently the day you're keeping a record so that you look good to yourself or you know, to whoever grades those?