zero-deviation 零偏差 ; 零厚度
zero-deviation situation 零漂移位置 ; 零偏差
minimum zero deviation 最小零偏差
degree zero-deviation system 零度偏离系统
zero deviation exactitude control 精确控制
zero deviation ordinary least square 差值趋零最小二乘法
deviation of zero needle position 基点偏移
Zero and Deviation 零度偏离
The essentials of designing circuits and the methods of decreasing the drift of zero deviation point are introduced.
For any given basic size, a range of tolerances and deviations may be specified with respect to the line of zero deviation, called the zero line.
Ensure that the height marker is on zero graduation: Fall down the cylinder to check, if any deviation, adjust the two screws of the height marker.
And when we're talking about the amplitude of the wave, we're talking about the deviation from that average level. So, if we define the average level as zero, you can have either a positive amplitude or a negative amplitude.