English Gothic 英国哥德式建筑
On English Gothic Novel 论英国哥特式小说
English Gothic Ornaments 英国哥特式装饰
English Gothic Novels 英国哥特小说
early english gothic 早期英国哥特式
Written in German Gothic script, with an English translation, it is illustrated with tempera paintings by Jung which reveal him to be a gifted, if sometimes frightening, artist (see left).
这本书是用德国古哥特语附有英文译本写成. 荣格通过蛋彩画讲解其论点.
The English Gothic cathedrals include Canterbury, Lincoln, York Minster, and Exeter.
An intricate style of traceried vaulting, common in late English Gothic, in which ribs arch out like a fan.