... Old Glory 古老的光荣 ; 美国旗 ; 昔日荣耀 ; 星条旗 Eternal glory 永恒的荣耀 ; 永恒荣耀 ; 秋水梧桐 New Glory 该用户已注销 ; 系列之纽格瑞 ; 图案的纽格瑞 ; 迷幻列车 ...
With Eternal Glory 和永远荣耀
Being crowned with eternal glory 立名垂世
eternal glory with moral character 立德垂世
Glory is eternal 荣誉是永恒的
Bruce Lee's life is short, but like a bright meteor leaving eternal glory for the martial arts world.
Paul explains this in 2 Tim 2:8-13. He says that Christ has died to save us and call us to eternal glory.
"I endure all things for the sake of God's own people; so that they also may obtain salvation... and with it eternal glory." 2 Tim.