horizontal plate of ethmoid bone 筛骨水平板
ethmoid bone and tooth remover 筛骨和猪牙剔除器
semilunar open ethmoid bone 半月裂孔
cribriform plate of ethmoid bone 筛骨筛板
hamulus ethmoid bone 筛骨钩突
vertical layer ethmoid bone 释义筛骨垂直板
hamate process ethmoid bone 筛骨钩突
ethmoidal infundibulum ethmoid bone 筛骨筛漏斗
semilunar open of ethmoid bone 半月裂孔
The Ethmoid Bone Broken 将筛骨捣碎
Objective to investigate the histopathologic study of the ethmoid bone in chronic sinusitis (CRS) and the role of bone pathology in the pathogenesis of CRS.
Conclusion Mending the perforation of nasal septum by shifting the mucoperiosteal flap and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone under nasal endoscope is an effective method.