... For government, revenue includes gross proceeds from income taxes on companies and individuals, excise duties(消费税), customs duties(关税), other taxes, sales of goods and services, dividends and interest. 41 5.
Excise duties & taxes 奢侈品关税及奢侈品税
customs and excise duties [税收] 关税和国内消费税 ; 关税和国内货物税 ; 关税与国内消费税
levy excise duties 征收消费税
Two rises in excise duties on fuel, alcohol and cigarettes in under three months have caused grumbling.
They include a five-year holiday on profits tax, and exemption from import and excise duties and from some licensing requirements.
ASSOCHAM is also in favour of anti-dumping measures, a hike in excise duties and changes in the goods and services tax (GST).