eat fastidiously 挑剔地吃
wash fastidiously 讲究地洗涤
trim fastidiously 过分讲究地修剪
limit fastidiously 挑剔地限制
cultivate fastidiously 过分讲究地培养
fastidiously regularly 一丝不苟地
inspect fastidiously 挑剔地视察
labour fastidiously 挑剔地劳动
single fastidiously 过分讲究地挑选
同义词: painstakingly
"he writes extremely musical music, of which the sound is fastidiously calculated and yet agreeably spontaneous and imaginative"
以上来源于: WordNet
Of 320,000 registered voters, nearly 80% cast a ballot, a triumph for civic educators in the fastidiously administered Himalayan kingdom.
Of 320, 000 registered voters, nearly 80% cast a ballot, a triumph for civic educators in the fastidiously administered Himalayan kingdom.
For many years the symbolic entrance under the massive portico (with its capitals fastidiously copied from the Temple of Apollo at Bassae) was shut.