谦卑(Humility)、 忠诚 ( Fealty )、牺牲(Sacrifice)、英勇(Valor)、怜悯(Compassion)、诚实(Honesty)、精神(Spirituality)、公正(Justice),即吾等一生恪守之美德...
... fidelity n.1.忠诚,忠实 2.精确,确切,逼真 fealty n.(对封建主义的)效忠, 孝顺, 忠诚, 忠贞, 忠实 faith n.1.信任,信赖,信心 2.信仰,信条 ...
... fidelity n.1.忠诚,忠实 2.精确,确切,逼真 fealty n.(对封建主义的)效忠, 孝顺, 忠诚, 忠贞, 忠实 faith n.1.信任,信赖,信心 2.信仰,信条 ...
Fealty Mode 效忠模式
oath of fealty 效忠宣誓
personal fealty 个人效忠
Dominus of Fealty 忠贞主宰
swearing personal fealty 宣誓效忠个人 ; 宣誓个人效忠
Declare your fealty 宣示效忠 ; 宣誓服从你的领主
Swear Fealty to the King 向王宣誓效忠
. At the same time, RITE expressed a set of morality and emotion of the people, including love, faith, fealty and humility, and so on.
参考来源 - 孔孟荀礼学思想论要·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: allegiance
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT In former times, if someone swore fealty to their ruler, they promised to be loyal to him or her. 效忠