... first-aid 急救 ; 指公司内的医药箱 ; 应急 first-aid station 急救站 ; 救护站 first-aid case 急救箱 ; 轻伤事故 ...
... first-aid station 急救站 ; 抢救站 Beijing Tongzhou First Aid Station 北京急救中心通州急救站 Beijing Yanqing First Aid Station 北京急救中心延庆急救站 ...
... first-aid 急救 ; 指公司内的医药箱 ; 应急 first-aid station 急救站 ; 救护站 first-aid case 急救箱 ; 轻伤事故 ...
Fengtai District First Aid Station 丰台区急救站
Haidian District First Aid Station 海淀区急救站
Chongwen District First Aid Station 崇文区急救站
Dongcheng District First Aid Station 东城区急救站
Chaoyang District First Aid Station 朝阳区急救站
Shijingshan District First Aid Station 石景山区急救站
Design code for first-aid station 急救中心建筑设计规范
beijing miyun first aid station 北京急救中心密云急救站
Hoped that everybody can continue maintains an enthusiasm, after completing the first-aid station movement each work.
This paper introduces the rapid& mobile first-aid unit from brigade or regiment medical aid station especially discusses its equipment performance personnel structure and working features.