... formatted input output statement 格式化输入输出语句 formatted record 有格式记录 formatter 格式器格式标识符 ...
... 未格式化记录 unformatted record 格式化记录 formatted record 数据格式说明记录 data format specification record ...
simple formatted record 简单格式化记录
formatted logic record [计] 格式逻辑记录 ; 格式化逻辑记录
RECFMS RECord Formatted Maintenance Service 录音格式化维护服务
formatted d record 有格式记录
record formatted maintenance statistics 记录格式的维护统计
One of the people listening to us record the podcast simply asked me why students coming out of our colleges today don't write good code (that is, readable, well-formatted, elegant code).
The formatted trace record also identifies the process (" 23494 "), the thread (" 1 "), the companion process, if applicable (" -1 "), and the node (" 0 ").
格式化的跟踪记录还标识出进程(“ 23494 ”)、线程(“ 1 ”)、同伴进程(companion process)、是否适用(“ - 1 ”),以及节点(“ 0 ”)。
Applications written in, say, COBOL or RPG, can easily exchange record-formatted messages with WebSphere MQ queues.
例如,使用 COBOL 或 RPG 编写的应用程序可以容易地与 WebSphere MQ 队列交换记录格式的消息。