... Framework Agreements 框架协议 Franchise Tax 特许权税 Franchising Services 特许经营服务 ...
... franchise fee 营业执照捐 franchise tax 特许经营税 fraudulent income tax returns 虚假的所得税申报书 ...
... fine for tax overdue 税款滞纳金 fine on tax makeup 补税罚款 franchise tax 特许经营税;专营税 ...
corporation franchise tax 法人登记税 ; [税收] 公司登记税
Corporate Income Franchise Tax 公司所得税及营业权税
Franchise Tax Board 州税务局 ; 税委员会 ; 加州税局
Business Franchise Tax 商业特许税 ; 营业执照税 ; 营业特许税
California Franchise Tax Board 加州税务局
annual franchise tax 美特达华州年特许税
So the word "tax collector" didn't necessarily mean that the person themselves were wealthy, but whoever had the tax-- - what's the thing I'm looking for?-- franchise, whoever had the tax franchise for that area would be someone from a wealthy background.