fundamental rights system
First, we must attach importance to the fundamental rights of citizens. The value of regulating the public video surveillance system is to protect the privacy of citizens.
Creditor's rights preservation is the fundamental value tropism of the creditor's subrogation system.
This paper thinks that, among various social systems, property rights system is the most fundamental, and property rights defects would certainly lead to moral disorders.
John Wadham, director of civil rights organisation Liberty, described the law as "a fundamental part of our criminal justice system".
BBC: You are in: UK
The efforts of the United Nations system towards the universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, contribute to the stability and well-being necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations, and to improved conditions for peace and security as well as social and economic development, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations.
UNESCO: Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
Alongside the unnecessary and intrusive charter of fundamental rights and the mad idea of giving the undeserving European Parliament more powers, Lisbon improves the EU's voting system, partly sorts out a muddled foreign-policy structure and creates a permanent presidency of the European Council in place of the present six-month, rotating one.
ECONOMIST: The European Union after Ireland's vote