Gen-X Cops 特警新人类 ; 特警新人的总称 ; 原声大碟
X-GEN 超晶面板 ; 面板 ; 一种基因
Gen-X Dops 特警新人类
Gen-X Games 发行公司
Popular Gen-X 我们创建了一个名为
Gen X and Gen Y 随着新新人类
China's Gen X-cellence 中国新型人
AdReaction Gen X 年16
X-Gen Panel 次世代高清屏幕
同义词: generation X
以上来源于: WordNet
Gen X grew up with rapidly changing technology and the availability of massive amounts of information.
It's true that the group's nearly 6,000 members lean, demographically, more toward the Greatest Generation than Gen X.
Apple will likely give details on the next-gen Mac operating system, OS X Lion, and the next version of its mobile OS, iOS 5.
苹果可能将会介绍下一代Mac操作系统,OS X Lion与下一代OS,iOS 5手机的详细信息。