他的家人包括他的妻子Sonia,他的两个儿子西蒙(Simon)和维多利亚(Victoria),五个孙子乔迪(Geordie), 艾奥娜(Iona),弗洛拉(Flora),Clarrisa 和查理(Charlie)。他的儿子,孙子,侄子和大侄子仍然在公司工作。
Geordie Shore 乔弟海岸 ; 乔迪海岸 ; 英伦玩咖日记 ; 玩咖日记
Geordie Greig 格雷格 ; 葛瑞格
Geordie-Gabry Ponte 杰罗帝 ; 杰洛帝
Geordie Stewart 史都华
Geordie Bay 乔迪湾
Geordie Girl 魅力少女
Was lamenting for her Geordie 正为她的乔第哀唱 ; 一位少女在为心上人哭泣
以上来源于: WordNet
N a person who comes from or lives in Tyneside 泰恩赛德人
ADJ of or relating to these people or their dialect 泰恩赛德人的; 泰恩赛德方言的
For I can not pardon Geordie "."
I learnt to ski while I was studying medicine so we can safely say there is one Geordie who can ski.
In 2006 Linda Walker, 60, woke from a stroke to find that her Geordie accent had been transformed into a Jamaican one.