回复: CMD是自动驾驶的command方式 下滑道方式是APP,也就是Approach(进近)的简称 下滑道(Glide Slope)是飞机进近的一个指引,它在进近时告诉飞行员应该如何降低高度 除此之外还有航向道,简单地说就是指引飞行员飞向应降落的跑道的磁航...
GLIDE-SLOPE 下滑道 ; 沿下滑道下滑速率
glide slope indicator 下滑道指示器
glide slope facility 滑翔道指示设备
glide-slope antenna 滑行坡形天线
glide slope annunciator 下滑道信号牌
glide slope beacon [航] 下滑信标
glide-slope speed 沿下滑道下滑速度
glide-slope entry 进入下滑道
glide slope signal 下滑道信号
N the approach path of an aircraft when landing, usually defined by a radar beam 下滑航线
This can be a useful function when landing at night in combat at an airfield without an ILS glide slope.
ILS guidance indication is changed to 2 circles that must be inside each other to be on the glide slope and localizer.
Nine seconds later, the warning changed to a current alert, indicating the track had passed below the glide slope altitude.