[ 比较级 grimmer或more grim 最高级 grimmest或most grim ]
hypermarket 大型超级市场,特级市场 hyperbole“(修辞中的)夸张法,夸张的语句”,hypotheses“hypothesis的 grim 严酷的,冷酷的,残忍的;可怕的,讨厌的;坚强的 flock v. 聚集,聚结 n.
Grim Fandango 冥界狂想曲 ; 冥界狂想曲中英双语版 ; 异域狂想曲
Grim Dawn 恐惧黎明 ; 可骇黎明 ; 恐惧拂晓
Grim Reaper 死神 ; 残酷死神
Grim Batol 格瑞姆巴托 ; 格林巴托 ; 巴托山脉 ; 格林巴塔尔基地
Fay Grim 国家密码 ; 国度暗码 ; 国家暗码
Grim Ward 残酷吓阻 ; 野蛮人的残酷喝阻技能 ; 严酷吓阻
Grim Fandango Remake 冥界狂想曲重制版
Grim Helm 残酷头盔 ; 严酷头盔
ADJ A situation or piece of information that is grim is unpleasant, depressing, and difficult to accept. 严酷的; 令人沮丧的
They painted a grim picture of growing crime.
There was further grim economic news yesterday.
ADJ A place that is grim is unattractive and depressing in appearance. (地方) 阴沉的
The city might be grim at first, but there is a vibrancy and excitement.