head gate 总水门 ; 总闸门 ; 运河水闸门 ; 运河头闸
bulk head gate 检修闸门
undershot type head gate 下射式进水闸
head gate of lateral 支渠进水闸
head gate wing wall of 进水闸翼墙
head gate side wall of 进水闸侧墙
head gate panel wall of 进水闸格墙
head gate overpour type 上溢式进水闸
head gate undershot type 下射式进水闸
以上来源于: WordNet
N a gate that is used to control the flow of water at the upper end of a lock or conduit 总闸门 → compare tail gate
The differential head can be plotted for a number of different values of the gate opening.
After driving in silence for a while, we pass through a gate and head uphill into pine woods.
The angel of the Eastern Gate put his wings over his head to shield himself from the first drops.