...术和商务,Art and Business 专业方向: 商业研究 艺术商科 艺术与设计 类型: MLitt 院系:阿伯丁大学 -- 艺术史(History of Art) 收藏该专业 添加到申请表 人气1159 国际卫生和管理,International Health and Management 专业方向: 管理研究/科学 健康研究商...
... Architecture and Urban Design(建筑和城市设计) History of Art(美术史) Architecture and Urban Design(建筑和城市设计) ...
History of Art & Design 艺术与设计历史
History Of Art And Design 艺术和设计的历史 ; 艺术与设计史 ; 艺术设计史
History and History of Art 历史学与艺术史 ; 历史和艺术史 ; 历史与艺术史 ; 年卫报英国大学历史与艺术史专业排名
Social History of Art 艺术社会史 ; 艺术的社会史
History of Art and Architecture 艺术与建筑史 ; 艺术和建筑历史 ; 艺术史与建筑
The Social History of Art 艺术社会史 ; 四卷全
A World History of Art 世界艺术史
Archaeology and History of Art 考古学与历史艺术
Firstly, on the history of Art, we can always see the pursue of Violence beauty.
参考来源 - 论当代电影中的“暴力美学”·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
She then invited him to Atlanta to lecture on the history of art.
With this comprehensive knowledge of the history of art, he has since become a professional painter.
It is necessary that a critic develop a sensibility informed by familiarity with the history of art and aesthetic theory.
The paintings hanging in these large rooms give a lesson in the history of art over hundreds of years.
VOA: special.2010.08.04
They're important for the history of art.
to be familiar with the major works and thinkers and literature, music, and art of, uh, Western history.