... Energy and Commerce 能源和商务常设委员会 House Administration 众议院行政常设委员会 Interior and Insular Affairs 内政和岛屿事务常设委员会 ...
In-house administration and costs 内部行政管理和费用
Office of White House Administration 白宫管理局
white house office of administration 白宫行政办公室
state house property administration 国家房产管理局
house tenancy administration 房屋租赁管理
The Reaganites not only grasped that the engine of power for the administration is the White House staff rather than the cabinet. They also understood the importance of hitting the ground running.
that his team is woefully short of anyone who has had to meet a payroll (there are fewer businesspeople in this White House than in any recent administration);
Retaining her post as finance minister in the new administration, she came under fire from a House special committee investigating the Bank Century bailout.