也说“急脉缓灸” [hurried;impetuously;rashly] 因为着急而行动加快 [resolutely retire at the height of one's official career;draw back wissly in face of overwhelming odds] 舟行急流之中而勇...
... 鲁莽地, 仓促地, 轻率地 { rashly } 不在乎地; 不顾一切地; 鲁莽地 { recklessly } 激烈地; 迅疾地; 性急地 { impetuously } ...
spring impetuously 鲁莽地跳跃
sing impetuously 鲁莽地歌唱
rush impetuously 激烈地催促
intervene impetuously 激烈地干预
attack impetuously 急躁地攻击
start impetuously 急躁地开始
act impetuously 感情用事
labour impetuously 急躁地劳动
search impetuously 鲁莽地搜索
同义词: impulsively
以上来源于: WordNet