Indigo Prophecy 幻象杀手 ; 靛蓝预言 ; 华氏温度计
Lactarius indigo 蓝绿乳菇 ; 乳菇属的靛蓝乳菇
indigo children 深蓝孩童 ; 深蓝儿童 ; 靛蓝小孩 ; 靛蓝孩童
Declaring Indigo 湛蓝巴黎 ; 蔚蓝巴黎
indigo carmine [试剂] 靛蓝胭脂红 ; 靛蓝二磺酸钠 ; 蓝胭脂红
Indigo-capped Hummingbird 青顶蜂鸟 ; 蓝顶蜂鸟
hotel INDIGO 英迪格酒店 ; 英迪格 ; 英迪格酒店品牌 ; 英迪格品牌
False Indigo 紫穗槐 ; 北美靛蓝属 ; 假靛蓝 ; 假木兰
stone-washed indigo 石磨蓝 ; 磨蓝
COLOR Something that is indigo is dark purplish blue in colour. 靛蓝色
The blue dye is obtained from the indigo plant.
The blue vat dye obtained until about 1900 entirely from some species of the indigo plant.
The indigo plant was highly valued until the discovery of chemical dyes in the 19th century.