对互助县某教学楼施工项目管理的体会 - 中国月期刊网 关键词:工程项目管理;现代企业;体制改革 [gap=445]Key words: project management; modern enterprise; institutional reform
And re-equipped with the leadership, the institutional reform, under a seven rooms, six production plants, two two units, namely: the Office of the Department of production technology, marketing, Lands and the Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of quality management, Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of equipment supply, product research and development centre, a branch factory, packaging materials plant.
power institutional reform 电力体制改革
Institutional reform ideas 体制改革的构想
Through Institutional Reform 通过机构改革
railroad institutional reform 铁路体制改革
Financial Institutional Reform 金融体制改革
models of institutional reform 变法模式
Therefore, deepening rural power supply institutional reform has become the key task of rural electric power.
In order to improve the competitiveness, China's commercial Banks accelerate the pace of the institutional reform.
Perhaps the region first had to stabilise its economies and build its social safety net before embarking on microeconomic and institutional reform.