也就是说apple已经通过自家后pc时代设备(iphone ipad ipod),来形成了一个很成熟的商业循环系统(apple system),并以这个系统里的最高权限者自居.
iPhone ipad iPod macbook imac 主营苹果全系列产品
iphone ipad ipod macbook 苹果全系列维修
iphone ipod ipad 苹果 ; 设备
Ipad Ipod Iphone 苹果系列
ipod iphone ipad 苹果系列
ipod ipad iphone 防尘塞
His creative force is seen in products such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, and in new business models for pricing and distributing music and mobile software online.
他的创造力体现在 iPod、iPhone 和 iPad 等产品上,也体现在在线音乐和手机软件的定价和分销的新商业模式上。
Apparently, until Apple releases its fix, the only way to secure your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch against this threat is to jailbreak it.
Apple, based in Cupertino, California, has shipped more than 120 million devices that run its iOS operating system, including the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.