...称王称霸 lord it over others [everyone]; act like an overlord; assume hegemony; be domineering; declare oneself king or emperor; domineer; king it over; lord it over; play the despot; play the hegemonic overlord; rule supremely 永不称霸 never to seek hegemony .
Gone are the days when a big nation could king it over small ones.
The child picked it up and put it over his face again. The king heard this in his sleep and let the cloth fall again.
'No,' the king of Israel answered, 'because it was the Lord who called us three Kings together to hand us over to Moab.'
Is Lycidas an appropriate expression of grief over the death of Edward King, and furthermore, ? does it console others for their grief over Edward King's death?
That's the name of the city-state over which he is king. And the epic as we now have it was probably composed between 2000 and 1800 BCE.