... Landing quality ,weight as final 以到岸品质,重量为准 Landing weight 卸货重量,到岸重量 Last pay certificate 最后付款证明书 ...
... landing waiter 海关起卸货物监督员海关起卸货监督员 landing weight 到岸重量 landing weight 到岸重量卸货重量 ...
... 海关起卸货物监督员海关起卸货监督员 landing waiter 到岸重量 landing weight 到岸重量卸货重量 landing weight ...
maximum landing weight 最大着陆重量 ; 重量 ; 最大落地重量
design landing weight 设计降落重量
maximum structural landing weight 最大结构落地重量
LW Landing Weight 着陆重量
DLW Design Landing Weight 设计着陆重量
LDGWT Landing Weight 着陆重量
Assault Landing Weight 攻击着陆重量
MLW Maximum Landing Weight 最大着陆重量
RLW Regulated Landing Weight 额定着陆重量
Conventional airframes require heavy structural material to transfer the fuselage's weight laterally to landing gear and wheels under the wings.
What makes Sanswire's design unique is that it allows the airship to have the same weight on landing as it did when it took off.
Without shoes, landing on the heel is painful and can translate into a collision force some 1.5 to 3 times body weight.