最低位有效数字: least significant digit; lsd detail>> 有效数字消去: cancelling of significant figures detail>> .
Least Significant Digit first 最低位优先 ; 最无效键优先 ; 低位优先法 ; 优先法
LSD Least Significant Digit 最低有效数位
ISD least significant digit 最低位
least significant digit or character 最低有效数字或字符
LSD Least-Significant Digit 最低位数位
least significant digit detail 最低有效数字符
numerals of least significant digit 末位数字
least digit significant 最低效数字
Usually, you order them from right to left, with the right-most digit being the least significant digit.
The pulse generator serially outputs pulses representing digits of a digital word least significant digit first.
The function that allows the elimination in the result of the calculation of all digits beyond the least significant digit.