克尔比就把电话换到扬声麦克风,‘来,跟Melany 打招呼 ,你们也可以叫她Lemony (Melany 是Lemony(柠檬味)的谐音’。全班同学全都笑起来了,齐声喊道:‘柠檬味,你好!
Marinated Lemony Beef Kebab 柠檬牛肉串
Lemony Snicket's 表演者
by Lemony Snicket 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险
lemony snicket's a 雷蒙斯尼奇的不幸历险
lemony y 柠檬酸
Lemony Snicket 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险
Lemony Snick 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险
Lemony Shicket 史尼奇
ADJ Something that smells or tastes of lemons can be described as lemony. 柠檬味的; 柠檬香的
Think of purslane as a great alternative to lettuce: the leaves and stems are crisp, chewy, succulent, and they have a mild lemony taste.
Honey, what say we spend the weekend beating the rugs, sorting through the boxes in the basement and painting our bedroom a nice lemony yellow?
I love the lemony citrus scent and I feel so clean after washing with it.