... 棕黑 sepia; brown black 青黑 lividity 深黑, 4.同桌能够无聊到在一张桌子传纸条, 传奇外传私服,黝黑 pitch-black ; pitch-dark ...
青灰 lividity; steel grey;balsam green 会计账目 英语 适用语会计报表 statement of account 往来帐目 account current 现在往来帐||存款额 c...
同义词: lividness luridness paleness pallidness pallor wanness achromasia
以上来源于: WordNet
When lividity is not set, pressing into the skin with a finger will turn the skin a white color, and then it will turn back.
This means that the blood accumulates at the lowest point of the body, provoking a swelling of the dead tissue; the upper located part of the body discolors, leaving the dead body's lividity.