... magic n.魔术;魔法a.魔术的;有魔力的 magnetic a.有磁性的;有吸引力的 magnificent a.壮丽的,宏伟的;华丽的,豪华的;极好的 ...
magnetic flux [电磁] 磁通量 ; [电磁] 磁通 ; [机] 磁性焊剂
magnetic tape [计] 磁带 ; 磁性录音带 ; 记录磁带 ; 磁带数据库
magnetic circuit [电磁] 磁路 ; 磁性夹头
magnetic moment [电磁] 磁矩 ; 磁力瞬间 ; 磁偶极矩
magnetic resonance [物] 磁共振 ; 磁谐振 ; 核磁共振 ; 磁共振成像
Magnetic Bearing 磁悬浮轴承 ; 磁向位 ; [航] [水运] [测] 磁方位 ; 磁像限角
magnetic declination 地磁偏角 ; [地物] 磁偏角 ; 磁力偏差 ; 磁差
magnetic induction 磁感应强度 ; [电磁] 磁感应 ; 磁性感应
ADJ If something metal is magnetic, it acts like a magnet. 有磁性的
...magnetic particles.
ADJ You use magnetic to describe something that is caused by or relates to the force of magnetism. 有磁力的
The electrically charged gas particles are affected by magnetic forces.
ADJ You use magnetic to describe tapes and other objects which have a coating of a magnetic substance and contain coded information that can be read by computers or other machines. (磁带、卡等) 有磁的
...her magnetic-strip ID card.
ADJ If you describe something as magnetic, you mean that it is very attractive to people because it has unusual, powerful, and exciting qualities. 有吸引力的
...the magnetic effect of the prosperous American economy on would-be immigrants.