层 【中文名称】:散逸层 【英文名称】:mesosphere 【定义1】: 位于平流层之上其中温度随高度下降的那一部分地球大气层,这部分大气层延伸到大约85公里的高度,在这个高度上温度到达一最小值。 【来源】: GB
mesosphere e 中间层 ; 散逸层 ; 中圈
top of mesosphere 中气层顶
upper mesosphere 高中层
Polar mesosphere summer echoes-PMSEs 极区中间层夏季回波
Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes 极区中层夏季回波
Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere 在中间层和低热层 ; 中间层和低热层 ; 中间层
mesopausetop of mesosphere 中气层顶
physics of stratosphere and mesosphere 平流层和中层大气物理学
N the atmospheric layer lying between the stratosphere and the thermosphere, characterized by a rapid decrease in temperature with height 中间层
The mesosphere comprises the rest of the mantle below the asthenosphere.
Ozone is formed in the stratosphere and mesosphere by photochemical processes.
The rocket had passed the stratosphere and mesosphere and was leaving the atmosphere.