... recent词组短语 Open Recent最近打开文件;打开最近的;打开最近的文件;打开近期访问过的文件 Recent Commands当前命令 ...
... recent词组短语 Open Recent最近打开文件;打开最近的;打开最近的文件;打开近期访问过的文件 Recent Commands当前命令 ...
Open Recent Projects 打开最近项目 ; 掀开最近项目 ; 打开最近编辑的项目 ; 翻开最近项目
open recent project 打开最近编辑过的项目 ; 打开最近的项目 ; 打开这段的项目 ; 打开最近的
Open recent files 打开最近编辑的文件 ; 打开最近文件
open recent file or script 打开近期的文件或脚本
Open Recent File 打开最近的文件
open recent workspace 打开最近的工作区
Open Recent- 最近打开文件
Open Recent System 打开当前系统
Although Chinese player Li Na did not participate in the training, she performed well in the recent French Open and ranked fourth.
A recent paper, titled "The Natural Selection of Bad Science", published on the Royal Society's open science website, attempts to answer this intriguing and important question.
According to a recent report by Open Doors, a record 262,000 American students studied abroad in 2007 and 2008, a 400 percent increase from two decades earlier.