... 切触 osculation (higher order tangency) 请求-回应配接器 solicit-response adapter 属性触发程序 property trigger ...
point of osculation [数] 密切点
self-osculation 自密切
angle of osculation [数] 密切面角
osculation point 密接点
osculation space [数] 密切空间
self osculation 自密切 ; 自接触
best osculation 最大接触
osculation-value 密切值
N a point at which two branches of a curve have a common tangent, each branch extending in both directions of the tangent 密切点 (Also called tacnode) [maths]
The concept of band osculation is presented by analyzing surface contact types.
The internal fixation using dotting-osculation plate for tibia comminuted fracture with tiny skin incision.
Osculation value method is a good method to evaluate the quality of the public place sanitation because its principle is clear and results acquired from the method are accurate and reliable.
结论 :密切值法原理清晰 ,结构严谨 ,结论可靠 ,是一种综合评价公共场所卫生状况的好方法。