Otherworldly Journey 异界之旅
Otherworldly rates 鬼斧神差
be otherworldly 不吃烟火食 ; 不食人间烟火
otherworldly adj 超俗的
Designing Otherworldly Creatures in Photoshop 设计其他世界怪物
otherworldly terrain 自另一个世界的地形
Otherworldly Speedster 神速的逆袭
Otherworldly Creation 超凡脱俗创造
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Otherworldly people, things, and places seem strange or spiritual, and not much connected with ordinary things. (人、事物及地方)超世俗的 [usu ADJ n]
They encourage an image of the region as an otherworldly sort of place.
...a strange, otherworldly smile.