他给的中文名也叫《环太平洋》,英文名叫《Pacific-Rim》。 故事的主角是纯粹的大秦人,而不是米国人。 背景更是调到大秦,演员也大多是亚洲人。 真子的角色改由斯嘉丽扮演,其他欧美人的角色也大多由亚洲
Pacific Rim 环太平洋 ; 环太平洋地区 ; 太平洋沿岸
Association of Pacific Rim Universities 环太平洋大学联盟 ; 太平洋大学联盟
Pacific Rim Hotel 环太酒店
Pacific rim countries 环太平洋国家 ; 洋国家
Pacific Rim of Fire 环太平洋火线 ; 环太平洋前线 ; 环承平火柴线 ; 环太平洋火山带
Pacific Rim Forum 环太平洋论坛
Fairmont Pacific Rim 费尔蒙特环太平洋酒店 ; 温哥华豪华型宾馆 ; 费尔蒙太平洋酒店
the Pacific Rim 环太平洋 ; 环太平洋地区 ; 太平洋地区 ; 太平洋区域
Pacific Rim Highway 岸公路 ; 温哥华岛
N-SING The Pacific Rim is the area on the western shores of the Pacific Ocean, including Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia. 太平洋带状地区 ['the' N]
...the growing need for energy which is now emerging in Asia and the Pacific Rim.
...the economies of Pacific Rim countries.
If you look at how El Nino affects all the nations around the Pacific Rim, Australia is often thought of prominently in that regard.
So the Pacific Rim has helped shape my view of the world.
Hawaii was selected as the site for Conference because of its cultural diversity and its proximity to the Pacific Rim Countries.