...uritius Pride和Mauritius Trochetia每月有三四趟船从路易港驶向 毛里求斯 ,停靠点在马蒂兰港的客运码头(passenger terminal)。
... passenger car客车;轿车;小客车... passenger terminal客运枢纽站;旅客航厦... passenger plane客机;载客飞机,旅客...
Passenger terminal 客运场站 Passenger transport, Passenger transportation 客运;旅客运输 Passenger/Cargo Park Zone 客货运园区 ..
Overseas Passenger Terminal 码头
Passenger Terminal EXPO 国际候机楼设备展 ; 旅客候机楼设备博览会 ; 国际候机楼设备展览会 ; 候机楼设备展览会
passenger terminal work load 客运站站务工作量
bus passenger terminal 汽车客运站
Riga Passenger Terminal 里加客运码头
airport passenger terminal 机场客运大楼
The passenger terminal complex, including passenger terminal, ATC building, parking lot and airport hotel, will be the core area for passengers' stay in the airport.
BEING able to park directly outside the swooping modern building that serves as the passenger terminal at Farnborough Airport is the first sign that this journey is going to be different.
Contracts for the second (or northern) runway and for the main building contract for the extension to the passenger terminal north-west concourse were awarded in April and September respectively.