Set an Example If you download pirated MP3 files, don't be surprised when your child's teacher calls you in for a conference about plagiarised homework.
给孩子树立好榜样 如果你会下载盗版MP3,那么当老师请你去谈谈孩子抄袭家庭作业问题的时侯,请你别 惊讶。
This impression was reinforced further in March when the dean of Durham University's business school in the UK, Tony Antoniou, was fired for having plagiarised academic work 20 years earlier.
这种印象在3月份得到了进一步的加深:当时,杜伦大学(Durham University)商学院院长托尼•安东尼奥(Tony Antoniou)由于20年前的一宗学术剽窃案而被开除。