1)、点对点连接(Point-to-point Connection):指在两台设备间建立直接的连接,一条介质仅连接相应的两台设备而不涉及第三方。
.- 中文名称 点到点连接 英文名称 point-to-point connection 定义 在通信系统中,单个始发终端与单个目的地终端之间建立的连接。 应用学科 通信科技(一级学科),...- 点到点是数据链路层的说法,因为数据链路层只负责直接
... point to point resolution 点分辨力 point-to-point connection 点对点对接 point-to-point control 点对点控制/点位控制 ...
点到点的连接(Point-to-point Connection)是在ATM网络中的两个基础连接中的一个。在ATM中,一个点对点的连接能够是一个在两个ATM终端系统中的一个单向的或双向的连接。
Dedicated Point-to-Point Connection 专属点对点连接 ; 点对点连接
a point-to-point connection 点对点连接 ; 点至点连接 ; 一点对点连接
point to point connection 点到点连接
point-to-point connection system 点到点连接系统
point-to-point ISDN connection 点对点ISDN连接
Storage Area Network appears for meeting the requirements. SAN applies the mature network technology into storage management, which makes the previous concept of point-to-point connection between storage equipments and servers changed essentially.
参考来源 - SAN技术及其在异构网络共享存储系统中的应用研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This type of point-to-point connection nightmare is shown in Figure 2.
这种点到点连接被公开的糟糕情况如 图 2 中所示。
The hardware platform of system was built based on the Bluetooth devices to realize the point-to-point connection.
Note that this is different from so-called Wi-Fi, as WiMAX USES licensed spectrum for point-to-point connection and offers improved quality of service.
请注意,它不同于Wi - Fi,因为WiMAX的点对点连接使用的是得到许可的频段,而且服务质量更高。