pole jump 撑竿跳高 ; 撑竿跳 ; 撑杆跳
pole-jump test 爬杆回避实验 ; 解爬杆回避实验
pole vaule jump 撑竿式跳
male pole jump 男子撑竿跳高
pole jump teaching 撑杆跳高教学
women s pole jump 女子撑竿跳高
women ' s pole jump 女子撑竿跳高
pole jump-pole vault 撑竿跳高
The crew pulls out a big net on a pole. Jump in, Dog!
Get out on the water - Rent a sailboat, rowboat, paddleboat, kayak, or canoe. Grab a pole and go fishing or don your swimsuit and jump in.
In front of the pole, I began to jump.