pom pom 神勇双响炮 ; 聚甲醛 ; 邦邦岛 ; 啦啦队
Pom Pom Island 邦邦岛 ; 度假村 ; 彭彭岛
You Can Make a Pom-pom 你能做毛绒球玩具
Hot Hot And Pom Pom 神枪手与咖喱鸡
Pom Pom Purin 布丁狗
Pom Pom & Hot Hot 神枪手与咖喱鸡 ; 年
Pom Pom Island Resort 朋朋岛度假村
Pom Pom Girl 蹦蹦女生
Pom Pom Bow 澎澎花
N-COUNT A pom-pom is a ball of threads or paper strips that is used to decorate things such as hats or furniture. Cheerleaders wave large pom-poms at sporting events. 装饰绒球; (体育比赛中拉拉队用的)塑料丝球
As I got into my Honda Odyssey minivan and drove to practice, I was just another pom-pom girl again.
Max's even more dismal New York is cast in jumbled patterns of black, white and grey, until Mary sends Max a bright red pom-pom which he wears atop his yarmulke.
Experimenting with polymers of different lengths, she found a combination that formed stable, "pom-pom" -shaped nanoparticles known as polymeric micelles, with TNP-470 at the core.
试点与聚合物的不同长度,她发现一个组合,形成稳定,“聚甲醛-聚甲醛”形纳米粒子称为高分子胶束,与,TNP - 470处于核心地位。