QAT Qatar 卡塔尔
Qat justar 卡塔尔
Qat onlyar 卡塔尔
Qat theirar 卡塔尔
Qat thear 卡塔尔
QAT Audio 昆河音响
QAT QualityAssuranceTest 质量保证测试
QA QAT 卡塔尔
QAT Quality Assurance Test 质量保证测试
qat ' 截肢格
N → a variant spelling of khat
Irrigating qat is also a drain on water reserves that are anyway drying up fast.
So in one universe, the atom decays within the first half-life, and you have an ex-cat. Or ex-qat.
Qat, the mildly euphoria-inducing leaf that most Yemeni men while away their afternoons chewing, is one powerful pacifier.