plurality plurality 指的是没有 指的是没有 超过半数的多数,或称相对多数 超过半数的多数,或称相对多数(relative majority) (relative majority)。
N the excess of votes or seats won by the winner of an election over the runner-up when no candidate or party has more than 50 per cent 相对多数; 当无任何党派的获选人得到百分之五十以上的票数时,竞选的赢家比第二名多出的投票或席位 [英国英语] → compare absolute majority
The majority of EPMOs are implemented relative to the organization's capability and maturity in project management practices. The functions shown in Figure 1 are concerned with the following.
The majority of allocations will be done in the young generation, which is optimized to have a short lifetime relative to the interval between collections.
Additional investigation as to why these transactions, performed so badly relative to the majority of the dataset is required.