right angled triangle 直角三角形 ; 直角三角 ; 角三角形 ; 直角二角形
right angled 直角的
right angled coordinates 直角坐标 ; 直角座标
right angled isosceles triangle 直角等腰三角形
right angled drive propulsion system 直角传动推进装置
Double Right-angled Suture 缝合法
Right-Angled and 直角和
right-angled plane 二维直角平面
ADJ A right-angled bend is a sharp bend that turns through approximately ninety degrees. 大致成直角的 [ADJ n]
ADJ [ADJ n] →see right-angled triangle
In fact, it is a right-angled triangle.
At traffic lights the most common accidents are faster, right-angled collisions.
Given the lengths of the two sides of a right-angled triangle, we can find out the length of a third side.