... one of the world’s most dangerous sports世界上最危险的运动之一 run along 跨越… … freezing weather condition 冰冻的天气状况 ...
run along the road 沿着马路跑
run along the street 沿着街跑 ; 一直在街上跑
run along the walll 沿着城墙跑
run along the surface 从土表流走
run along the net 顺网滚动
run along you two 你俩去吧
Now Run Along 现在先
I Must Run Along 我得走
run along the ventral surface 沿腹面的外表伸展
V (often said patronizingly) to go away; leave (傲慢地说)走开
The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China.
Run along and mind your business.
it's not as good as helping debug, sorry, that's the wrong way of saying it's not as good at catching some things before you run them, it is easier at some times in debugging as you go along on the fly.
It's the various programs you run on your computer along with the various data files that you have saved on your hard drive,and so forth.