... 夜夜女人香 Scorned 穆赫兰道/穆荷兰大道(台)/失忆大道(港) Mulholland Dr. 杀死比尔:第一卷/追杀比尔(台)/标杀令(港) Kill Bill: Vol. 1 ...
请输入影片片名或演员名称。 ... 爱我你就亲亲我 Kiss the Series รักต้องจูบ 蔑视:残酷不伦史 Scorned 只是朋友 친구사이? ...
Scorned Angel 冷太阳
The Scorned 致命蔑视 ; 凶屋惊魂
A WOMAN SCORNED 爱你十周半 ; 爱你十周年 ; 十周半
Science scorned 科学受到鄙视
Scorned 2 蔑视
I hindrance scorned 查无此人
Companies scorned 公司不屑一顾
scorned word 蔑称
N-UNCOUNT If you treat someone or something with scorn, you show contempt for them. 轻蔑; 鄙视
Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn.
V-T If you scorn someone or something, you feel or show contempt for them. 鄙视; 看不起
Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talks.
V-T If you scorn something, you refuse to have it or accept it because you think it is not good enough or suitable for you. 摈弃
...people who scorned traditional methods.